Flight Commander 1.1 Beta Linux Download
Download Flight Commander binaries: fclinux1.1beta.tar.gz (32 meg)
You'll also need to download and install the following libraries.
It is possible you may need to build and install these libraries
from source.
Source Code
Download the Flight Commander 1.1 source code
(211 k)
You'll need to download the following libraries:
- OpenGL. This should come with most distributions.
- Glut. This should come with most distributions.
- Glew
- OpenIL
- Fmod
The following libraries needed some modifications to compile under
modern gcc versions. I've provided the modified source to these
libraries here.
- ColDet
- This is modified for Linux from a really old version which I
can't find on the web any more.
You'll need to modify the Flight Commander makefile to suit your own
directory structure.